IJC Radio Talk Show


APEKSI and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH or GIZ held a Radio Talk Show on 20 February 2023 at 14.00-15.00 WIB on the Radio Elshinta Network.


Source person
1. Cut Sri Rozanna (Director of Social Protection Programs, GIZ)
2. Sekar Pratiwi Adjie, S.E. (Coordinator of Development of Special Workforce Placement, Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia)
3. Isnavodiar Jatmiko (Deputy Director of Channel Services and Development, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)
4. Aria Indrawati (Mitra Netra)
5. dr. H. Wahdi, Sp.OG (K)., M.M. (Head of Working Group Towards Inclusive City of APEKSI/Mayor of Metro)


Radio network
Jakarta 90 FM, Bandung 89.30 FM, Semarang 91.0 FM, Surabaya 97.60 FM, Medan 93.10 FM, Palembang 96.70 FM, Lampung 105.1 FM, Tegal 99.90 FM

