APEKSI-IUWASH Tangguh: Audience & Workshop in Magelang


The workshop was held on Thursday, October 12 2023 in the Magelang Mayor’s Meeting Room. Present at this meeting were the Mayor of Magelang, Assistant 1, Assistant 2, Head of Bappeda, Head of Environment, Head of PUPR Service, Head of Community Empowerment, Head of Health Service, Head of Settlement Service, Director of PDAM, Head of Law Division, 1 people representative of IUWASH Tangguh, and 3 people from the APEKSI Directorate.


The workshop began with an audience with the Mayor of Magelang, which was then continued with discussions with SKPD who were present regarding various problems, activity opportunities and updates regarding achieving 100% access to safe drinking water in Magelang City.