
Vice Mayor
Province | : | Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam |
Regional Commissariat | : | Region I |
Mayor | : | Sayuti Abubakar |
Vice Mayor | : | Husaini |
Address | : | Jl. Merdeka No. 2, Lhokseumawe 24300 |
Telephone | : | (0645) 631256 |
: | info@lhokseumawekota.go.id | |
Website | : | https://www.lhokseumawekota.go.id/ |
The origin of the word Lhokseumawe is “Lhok” and “Seumawe”. Lhok means deep, bay, sea trough and Seumawe means swirling water or the center and springs in the sea along the coast of Banda Sakti and its surroundings. Other information also states that the name Lhokseumawe comes from the name of Teungku, namely Teungku Lhokseumawe, who is buried in Uteun Bayi village, which is the oldest village in Banda Sakti District.
City Information at a Glance
Before the twentieth century this country was ruled by Uleebalang Kutablang. In 1903, after the resistance of the Acehnese fighters against the Dutch weakened, Aceh began to be controlled, Lhokseumawe became their subject area and from that moment the status of Lhokseumawe became Bestuur van Lhokseumawe with Zelf Bestuurder being Teuku Abdul Lhokseumawe subject to Aspiran Controeleur and in Lhokseumawe also domiciled as Controleur or Wedana and Assistant Resident or Regent.
In the second decade of the 20th century, among all mainland Aceh, Lhokseumawe City as one of the small islands with an area of about 11 which is separated by the Krueng Cunda River is filled with buildings of the General Government, Military, and Railway Transportation by Dutch government.
A small island with villages (Gampong) Keude Aceh Village, Java Village, Kutablang Village, Mon Geudong Village, Teumpok Teungoh Village, Hagu Village, Uteuen Baby Village, and Ujong Blang Village, all of which are only 5,500 people in total in call Lhokseumawe.
Building after building filled the land until it became an embryo of a city that had ports, markets, train stations and offices of government institutions.