Smart Nation Expo 2024 Kuala Lumpur
The Association of Indonesian City Governments (APEKSI) once again attended and became a resource...
US Embassy: Innovative Technologies for Urban Infrastructure Development
APEKSI provided an overview of smart cities at the United States Embassy event “Innovative...
Realizing Indonesia as a Digital Nation
APEKSI Executive Director, Alwis Rustam in the Govinsider Live event: Sinergy in Innovation: Shaping...
Towards Inclusive and Resilient Cities: Ecosystem and Waste Management for a Sustainable Future
BALI — Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities (CRIC) held the Expert Panel and Thematic...
Training Assistance on Calculation Procedures for Handling Tariffs & Coastal City Waste Retribution in Banjarmasin
BANJARMASIN CITY — Banjarmasin City is one of three cities in coastal/river areas that...
APEKSI Shares Update on Women’s Leadership in City Government
APEKSI Provides an update on Indonesia’s achievements with the title: APEKSI’s Women in Local...