Kick Off of Tangerang City’s Clean Air Plan
The Tangerang City Government signed a commitment to collaborate with Clean Air Asia...
Smart City di Indonesia: Initiatives, Challenges & Transformation
APEKSI delivered Smart City In Indonesia: Initiatives, Challenges & Transformation at the ASIA SMART...
City Management Based on Smart City
Government Services/City Management base on Smart City in the Google Cloud & Elitery Day...
International Smart City Conference 2023
APEKSI also collaborated in the activities of PT INTI Persero, International Smart City Conference...
Initial Meeting for World Walking Day 2023
Like the previous year, APEKSI and KORMI Nasional will celebrate World Walking Day (WWD)...
Accelerating the Preparation of Regional Action Plans for Youth Services
The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) signed a joint commitment with the Association...