KOCHI, INDIA. In 2020, UCLG ASPAC launched the Climate Resilience Inclusive Cities (CRIC) initiative to address the pressing challenges of climate resilience.
CRIC is a five-year project that strengthens collaboration between cities and research centers in Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia in addressing climate change. The pilot project has been implemented in 10 cities in Indonesia, namely Bandar Lampung, Banjarmasin, Cirebon, Gorontalo, Kupang, Mataram, Pangkalpinang, Pekanbaru, Samarinda and Ternate. Together with APEKSI, representatives from these cities attended the fourth CRIC Expert Panel and Workshop to share their Climate Action Plans (CAP). The theme of the panel was “Sustainable Climate Finance.”
Through this panel, UCLG ASPAC – CRIC together with the All India Institute of Local Self-Government (AIILSG) developed a “Node for Sustainable Financing” to help CRIC pilot cities secure sustainable financing through trilateral collaboration. APEKSI is present to oversee 10 APEKSI member cities to synergize with cities in various states in India that have the same character (pairing). APEKSI also encourages the realization of funding support (match making for financing gap) from the CAP submitted by the 10 APEKSI member cities.
The fourth CRIC Expert Panel and Workshop took place in Kochi, India, on 4-6 February 2025. APEKSI together with 10 cities have submitted a Climate Action Plan. We hope that these good initiatives can be improved and get funding support so that our cities are more prepared to face the challenges of climate change. [GS]