This is not just about Kick Off, but Vision through Real Action

Goals will not be achieved if the mission prepared is not coherent and consistent. Likewise with the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB), which will not be achieved if there is no real action to achieve them. On this occasion, this article will convey concrete action in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This activity was initiated and implemented by PT. Surveyors Indonesia (SI) and the Association of Municipal Governments of All Indonesia (APEKSI), and has been implemented for the second time.


Monday, June 24 2024, the Kick Off of the Integrated Sustainability Indonesia Movement (I-SIM) for Cities 2024 was held. I-SIM for Cities 2024 is a city and district level initiative program to achieve sustainable development targets and agendas. This program is an initiative movement with a rating and awarding scheme to accelerate the achievement of sustainable development which is supervised by BAPPENAS and the Ministry of Home Affairs. Later, the achievements of cities in achieving the SDGs will be seen in the form of a rating on a dashboard provided. The theme raised this year is Innovation towards a Golden Indonesia: The Relationship between Quality Education, Jobs and Green Industry.


There are two scoring stages used in this program. The first stage is the primary data collection stage (Self Assessment on the Platform) based on the 130 SDGs indicators used. The second stage is the stage of presenting the flagship SDGs program and leadership by the Regional Head. The results of the I-SIM for Cities Program include a summary report, award certificate, and SDGs Dashboard. BAPPENAS and the Ministry of Home Affairs as supervisors of this activity hope that I-SIM will not only be an award for cities, but also as motivation in achieving sustainable development targets.


The I-SIM for Cities program is not just an event to showcase cities’ achievements towards the SDGs. However, the I-SIM for Cities program is a forum for cities to collaborate and synergize with each other to achieve the SDGs together. Moreover, projection data has shown that 70% of Indonesia’s population is expected to live in urban areas by 20245. This will of course cause many problems if it is not accompanied by the concept of sustainable development. Therefore, we return to the first statement, that the Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved if they are not pursued through real action. Environmental sustainability will be threatened if we don’t pay attention to it.


Article by: Joseph Adrian Simorangkir #APEKSInternship


Complete information on I-SIM for Cities via [Microsite]