Sustainable Cities in GreenCityMetric UI


APEKSI attended the UI GreenCityMetric Invitation on August 8, 2024, which released the ten names of the most sustainable regencies/cities in Indonesia according to UI GreenCityMetric at the University of Indonesia (UI) Depok Campus Convention Hall to see the transformation of cities/regencies in Indonesia in terms of sustainability, namely:

  1. Kediri City
  2. Madiun City
  3. Blitar City
  4. Semarang City
  5. Wonogiri Regency
  6. Pariaman City
  7. Banjarbaru City
  8. Salatiga City
  9. Medan City
  10. Jambi City


The UI GreenCityMetric ranking is based on six indicators: Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste and Waste Management, Water Management, Access and Mobility, and Governance.


UI GreenMetric also released six cities/regencies with the highest scores for each indicator. Semarang City excels in Spatial Planning and Infrastructure. Wonogiri Regency is the best for the Energy and Climate Change indicators. Parepare City is the best in Waste Management. North Barito Regency is the most sustainable for Water Management. Kediri City excels in Access and Mobility. Meanwhile, Madiun City is the best in Governance. This year, awards were also given to Magelang City for having the Best Sustainability Performance Improvement; and Trenggalek Regency as the Best New Participant Regency/City.