City Delegation Activities at Youth City Changers 2024 in Balikpapan


APEKSI has a Youth City Changers (YCC) event, this was held as an initiative initiated by APEKSI at the XVII APEKSI 2024 National Working Meeting (Rakernas). Delegates (participants) from each city had an active role in participating in a series of YCC 2024 activities during 2 days in Balikpapan city.


On the first day, YCC 2024 participants carried out idea exchange activities 1 to convey problems in each city they represented. After conducting idea exchange 1, the participants held idea exchange 2 to discuss the 4 themes determined by the committee (Young people care about their leadership and city government, inspiration/ideas for the progress of their city residents, ideas for the next APEKSI and YCC, young people’s recommendations for IKN). After completing these 2 activities, the participants had a welcome dinner which was attended by Bima Arya


On the second day, YCC 2024 participants visited the Tumpah Pringgodani Market. Tumpah Pringgodani Market is one of the unique tourist destinations in Balikpapan. With the aim of introducing local products and traditional food from the city of Balikpapan to YCC 2024 participants. Apart from visiting Tumpah Pringgodani Market, YCC participants also held talk show activities at Manggar Beach.


The talk show was attended by 4 speakers (Sri Wahyuni: Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Andrie Afrizal: Balikpapan Local Youth Figure, Tamara Gondo: CEO of Liberty Society, Bintang Ekananda: Co-Founder and CEO of Alner). After completing these 2 activities, the participants had a gala dinner which was enlivened by singer Anji.


Article by: Aisyah Adienda #APEKSInternship