National Working Meeting 2022 Held in Makassar
APEKSI and Makassar City Government held National Technical Meeting with the theme: Fiscal Autonomy...
Prepare the APEKSI Outlook
The Chairperson of the APEKSI/Mayor of Bogor together with the Mayor of Balikpapan conducted...
Rome Delegation Visit Rome
BANDUNG. APEKSI facilitates the IURC Program supported by the European Union in the exchange...
GIZ Program Kick Off Preparation Meeting
Jakarta. As a follow-up to the grant agreement contract, a coordination meeting between Deutsche...
Regional Commissariat V Meeting held in Palangka Raya
PALANGKA RAYA. Regional Commissariat V APEKSI Kalimantan Regional Work Meeting with the theme “Human...
Discussing the Follow-up Focus on Digital Transformation, Bappenas Holds Digital Grounds: Towards A Green Digital Economy
The Ministry of National Planning or the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) together with...