City Governments As An Important Pillar of Tolerance
Indonesia has diverse communities with diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Tolerance becomes an important factor in keeping people’s lives in harmony.
City Tolerance Governance
Tolerance and togetherness in our city must be maintained. Harmony and advancement of the city can be destroyed instantly if we don’t have consistency and seriousness to control it.
This is the big task of the current generation: Inheriting tolerance and mutual respect within the harmonious life of all cities in Indonesia.
The government’s role is one of the important pillars in maintaining and strengthening tolerance. Development planning and legal products must avoid discriminatory policies.
Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia or Association of Indonesia Municipalities (APEKSI) does not only contribute to strengthening state governance at the city level. More than that, APEKSI also focuses on maintaining and strengthening the noble values of every citizen of the city..

In that context, APEKSI together with The Asia Foundation, Setara Institute and Katadata Indonesia are synergistically trying to share experiences by producing various materials for education related to the issue of tolerance. Based on this, a National Dialogue was held: City Government as an Important Pillar of Tolerance, on 30 September 2021
Speeches started this webinar with Sandra Hamid – Country Representative The Asia Foundation and Hendrar Prihadi as Vice Chairperson of APEKSI/Mayor of Semarang.
Keynote speech by Tito Karnavian – Minister of Home Affairs.
With sourcepersons: Abdullah Abu Bakar/Mayor of Kediri, Tjhai Chui Mie/Mayor of Singkawang represented by Heri Apriadi/Head of the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office of the Singkawang City Government, Jefirstson Riwu Kore/Mayor of Kupang, Richard Louhenapessy/Mayor of Ambon dan Eva Dwiana/Mayor of Bandar Lampung, also Beka Ulung Hapsara/Commissioner of Human Rights National Committee, Ismail Hasani/Executive Director of Setara Institute and Alwis Rustam/Executive Director as responders.